Monday, October 31, 2005

I saw a man dressed up as a woman today.

I began to wonder... is he dressed that way because it's Halloween? Or is that just the way he normally dresses?

Only in San Francisco do you wonder about these things...

Monday, October 24, 2005

I dropped my cousin off at Berkeley last night and on my way back, the car in front of me paid for my bridge toll. How very nice! I didn't do anything to deserve it... the car didn't cut me off. There wasn't any traffic that I was nice enough to let the car slide in.

I tried to catch up, just to catch a glimpse, but the car was going too fast.

Made my night a whole lot better. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


That's how I've been feeling these days. I'll go to bed dead tired and wake up the same. I reached a new level of delirium this morning.

I usually place my alarm clock across the room, hoping that the extra effort to roll out of bed to shut the sucker up will jolt me out of bed. Usually what ends up happening is I bring the alarm clock back to bed and just snooze about 3 times before I really get up.

This morning was no different. Heard the alarm and brought it back to bed with me. But when the alarm went off again after that first snooze, I blew on it, like I was blowing out a candle... like that would somehow turn the alarm off. Then I woke up enough to realize what I had just done and started cracking up in bed.

Hello, my name is crazy.

Monday, October 17, 2005

I can't stop eating candy corn.

Make it stop!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Conversation with my brother yesterday:

Bro: I'm thinking of getting the Element
Me: The car?
Bro: Yeah
Me: It's so ... square
Bro: Just like you.
Me: You're such a punk
Bro: You set yourself up for that one.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I think I'm getting sick. I woke up this morning with a sore throat. First thing I did when I came into the office was take some Airborne.

DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? The weather has been so nice... HOW CAN I GET SICK?

I'm going to fight this.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

This weekend is Fleet Week. I remember watching the blue angels fly by from our church window when I was a kid.

So many things I want to do this weekend, though. Not sure I'll make it out there.

We lost our first softball game yesterday. :( Come out and cheer for us next week!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Where are my NorCal girlfriends at?...

I miss my girls. Move back up here!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I'm alive!

This was my first backpacking trip. Definitely the most physically demanding thing I've ever done. But it was worth it.

Ashley said she loves hiking because you can look like a dork and no one cares. She asked, "When else can you wear green ankle socks and not care?" My contribution to the hiking dork factor... my Sport Replay t-shirt. :)

On our way up

Water is cold

Half Dome

Before the cables

We did it!!

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