Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My mom goes to these seminars once every other month. The classes are very appealing to the ajumma demographic, usually in the area of personal health. One thing about living at home is that my dad and I become the guinea pigs for these little experiments.

Do it yourself acupuncture

Some herbal thing

Apparently the seminar leader warned everyone to let their housing managers before lighting up the herbal rememdy. She didn't want anyone to get in trouble because it smells suspiciously a lot like pot.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My JDSN is a student at Gol.den.Ga.te.Bap.tist.Semi.nary in Marin. If you guys don't know too much about that seminary, it's one of four (?) affiliated seminaries around the country, of Southern Baptist origin. But because it's located in the Bay Area, coupled with the fact that it's Southern Baptist, you get an interesting mix in terms of the student population. Namely, the two largest groups represented are Korean and white.

The students that choose dorm life have to share the kitchen and bathroom. Groups of 3-4 students also have to share a shelf in the refridgerator. As you can imagine, it can get pretty crowded. Because of the sizeable Korean population, the dorms also have a kimchee refridgerator.

One of the students just got fed up one day with the refridgerator arrangement and proclaimed loudly,

"Who is this 'Kim Chee' and why does he get his own refridgerator?!?"


Obviously he hasn't been exposed to the Korean culture long enough. haha.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

A few friends from church (& I) went to Clear Lake to get away from the San Francisco fog.

We also brought along Louie

Here's Louie watching Ashley



And one more of Ashley, because she's just so cool

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Chronicle had an article about artisan chocolates today. I was looking through one of the sites mentioned, and I have to say, these people are smart.