Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December has been quite an eventful month! Here's a quick recap:

Our dear friends Unjung and Matt got married.

Janet came to LA for a quick visit where we ate our way around LA.

And what's Christmas (and a Son family gathering) without some good food and bowling?

check out our hair Christmas morning

for the record, Danny kicked my butt both games. But my team came out on top, thanks to my brother. 201!!

More pictures as always on Picasa.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I changed my last name after getting married. My maiden name is now my middle name. There are so many updates I have to make, it's pretty ridiculous. I can still think of 2 things that need to be updated.

One of my credit cards sent me a new card. Only, the card was actually for a 'Chris Sun Woo.' I don't know who that is, but it sure isn't me. Mind you, this is after I spelled out my name for them.

Today I got a fax from one of my coworkers addressed to Chris Soo. That one's new.

I've written before how both my English and Korean names get mistaken for boy names. Danny mentioned that his Korean name has been mistaken for a girl's name. We went to visit a church in Torrance a few weeks ago and the lady wrote us a nice, welcoming letter in Korean. I guess without us writing Male/Female next to our names, she had no way of knowing. The letter basically addressed us as brother Chris and sister Danny. haha.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I caught a little stomach bug over the weekend and was out of commission all Saturday night through Sunday.

We went over to Ktown for some groceries and porridge and hung out at the in-law's for a bit. Danny's parents kept telling me to call in sick if possible, and just rest at home. But I HAD to go to work.

So I got a call last night while preparing dinner and Danny picked it up for me. It was my father-in-law, who promptly told Danny, 'let me talk to Chris.' He was checking up on me to see how I was feeling. I think Danny was a little jealous by that call. After I hung up, he kept commenting that he never, in his 31 years, has gotten a call like that from his own father.

There was a little bit of consolation later that night because my mom called Danny to check up on me, and she almost hung up without talking to me. What's up with parents only wanting to talk to their children-in-law?

Thursday, December 03, 2009

In an effort to fight the marriage bulge (or is it the holiday bulge?) I've decided to step up my working out efforts.

On Tuesday I decided to take a Cardio Boot Camp class at the gym. Lucky for me, it was test day. That basically consisted of squats, pushups, lunges, overhead weight lifts, and abs. Every part of my arms and legs are sore right now (which makes me realize, I didn't push myself very hard with the abs). I look ridiculous when I walk and even more ridiculous going up/down stairs.

And the best way to fight sore muscles is to work out more, right? So yesterday I took the cardio dance class. I'm sorry, but my body just doesn't move that way. The instructor would yell out 'Meringue!' 'Salsa!' haha. I looked like a fool. There was one Asian guy in the class and he looked really into it. I secretly wished I was having as good of a time. One day... I will let go of my inhibitions and just let loose.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

One difference between LA and SF is that people in SF are a lot 'greener.'

Danny called me granola in the first or second week we moved into our apartment because I commented that we didn't have a recycle bin downstairs.

At home in SF, we had separate compost, recycle, and garbage bins. Even at the SF office they stressed the use of compostable products and encouraged us to recycle and compost. In the LA office? There are 3 garbage cans in the kitchen and no recycle bins.

We do, however, keep our recyclables in a separate bag at home. When it gets full Danny takes it to work. haha.