Monday, January 31, 2005

It's a great feeling... catching up with friends, walking around SF, spending hours in front of the TV...

My mom and I started watching this Korean drama yesterday. Based on some old school novel from back in the days. Something about the wife of a "yang ban" family falling in love with the servant? But he's not your ordinary servant... he can read, he can fight, and he's much better looking than her husband. I like watching it cuz they speak "satooree" up the whazoo. I don't understand everything, but enough to make me laugh. I would think even Koreans need subtitles to understand all that "country talk." Me? I think I relate to it through my "country" gene. My mom tells me I was born in "Dae Byun." That's the name of the city, near Busan. Another translation for that is Big Poop. Lovely, ain't it?

Another thing I've really been into lately. Ping Pong. Every Sunday we get both tables set up and go at it. One table is reserved for the male Korean fobs. They take over playing doubles. The other table is for the kiddies. That's where I rule. HAHA. This kid Timothy came up to me yesterday and told me to sign up for the ping pong tournament. He created this bracket diagram with a purple marker and had names written in in kiddie writing. Cute.

I got a few comments from my fellow IM softball teammates on my previous post. Shout out to them. I miss softball. Flag football didn't have the same kind of effect on me. I don't miss flag football as much.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Man, I'm glad the exam is over. How did I do? That's all up to God. Honestly, no studying could have prepared me for the questions I got on the exam.

The CPA is set up like the GRE's, where they start you off on a middle level. Depending on how well you do, your next testlet is either dumbed down or you get all-star questions. The second testlet was considerably easier than the first. Shows you how well I did on the first testlet.

Time to play. No more worrying about that anymore. I'll find out in about 6-8 weeks... Pray hard.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A boy gave me a flower today. A pink rose.

I went to the Honda dealership to pick up my car, and he had a whole vase of pink roses. I guess because it was the end of the day he was offering each customer a rose to take home.

I think he was gay.

Friday, January 21, 2005

I was walking around downtown today and 2 girls approached me and asked if I had 5 minutes. Brought back memories of when I had to solicit time from strangers, so I agreed.

They were from a group called CARP and asked me if I had ever heard of it. They promote world peace through service, is what one of the girls said. So for their survey, they asked me 2 questions: 1. What are the 3 most important things to you? 2. Do you believe in world peace?

So after a little bit of chatting (we established that I was a Christian), they started telling me about their group. They meet right above the GAP and gave me a flyer for their introductory meetings.

I looked at the bottom of the flyer and this is what it said: "The vision of CARP has been inspired by the work of Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who had dedicated his life to finding paths of peace."

As soon as I read that, my whole body tensed up. Part of me wanted to scream at them, "do you know you're part of a CULT???" But how do you tell that to someone tactfully and show them the love of Christ at the same time? Our Christ. Not Dr. Moon's Christ. Because I'm sure they would say, "yeah, we love God, too." The other part of me told me, "Don't give them any more information. Get the hell out of there."

So I gave them an excuse about usually getting off work late (I know, bull), which was why I wouldn't be able to attend any of their meetings, and I took off.

Apparently, Dr. Moon has over 1000 organizations that he works through to appear legitimate, and President Bush is involved with some of them. I read this letter a former Moonie wrote to President Bush. The first part of that letter freaked me out... cuz had I been there 10 minutes longer, they would have taken me to their 5 o'clock meeting.

More about the Moonies

Thursday, January 20, 2005

I hate running into acquaintances. Well, if you're on the go and you just pass by saying a quick "hi" that's not bad. What's bad is when you have to sit there and "catch up" when obviously, if you really wanted to know what was going on in their lives you would have made an effort long ago to be more than just acquaintances.

And there are 2 types of acquaintances. One: You used to be friends with them, and eventually just drifted apart. To catch up with them isn't bad, because wanting to know how they're doing can be genuine. Two: Your relationship has always been just that of an acquaintance. You see their face often enough to have to say a polite "hello" but you never had a real conversation.

That's the kind of acquaintance I ran into yesterday. She used to come to my church and I never really talked to her besides the occasional "hello" and "you look nice today," but even that you just say to break the silence. She's older and hung out with the Korean young adults when I was in high school. So she was standing right next to me on the Muni yesterday right before we got off. She lives in the same neighborhood, so we would have to walk together part of the way. So after a polite "hi" and asking her about her job and a few mundane comments about being really tired, she said, "I'm a little lazy today so I think I'll just wait for the bus" when the walk is less than 10 minutes. Whether it was an excuse or a lie, I wasn't at all offended. I was actually thankful that she saved me from making forced conversation when I know I'll just forget and ask her the same thing next time I run into her.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I could have sworn yesterday was Friday. I was ready for the weekend. Maybe it was because my weekend flew by. Maybe it was because we were in Milpitas all day working. But it felt like the weekend should have been approaching. I have one long week to go.

1 more week of prayer meeting. 2 more weeks before my exam. 3 more weeks before I go snowboarding. Let's fast forward...

Friday, January 14, 2005

I've been wanting to get these cool sneakers. But they're a bit pricey for sneakers so I thougth I'd hold off. But everytime I'm in the Haight, I walk by the shoe store and just stare at them. The Onitsuka Tigers. :)

I got a postcard yesterday from the shoe store. Onitsuka Tigers are on sale tomorrow... AND you get a free hat. It's a sign. I'm going to get it. My one treat I'll allow myself. Hopefully they'll have the color I want. Otherwise, that's just a lot of hot air being blown my way.

My new kicks

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I attended the "Smart Women Finish Rich" seminar yesterday. It wasn't very informative.

Main Point of the Seminar: Women need to invest and learn to take care of their own finances.

Translation: Come to Morgan Stanley and we'll help you take care of your finances.

They tried to strike a chord with the women's emotional side, talking about values (intangible-making a difference) vs. goals (tangible-saving for that vacation), and said women need to invest in order to achieve their values, not goals. Blah freakin Blah.

This is how I imagine the translated conversation to take place...

Clueless Woman: I don't know what I need to do to invest for my future.

Morgan Stanley Woman: Oh! You made a great first step by coming to this meeting. And how convenient! I work for Morgan Stanley. Fill out this form and we can set up a time for us to work through building your "dream basket." And I'm a woman. So you can trust me. As women, we need to stick together... we're working towards the same goals.

Yep. So that was the gist of my seminar.
Some interesting facts: (Used as support for why women should manage their finances... especially the women that think, "I'll just let my husband take care of that stuff." Hate to admit it but I'm in that boat.)

-Women live 7 years longer than men. (Please refrain from comments about men dying early so they can get some peace and quiet. Comments like that are not appreciated. haha)
-The average age of widowhood is 56.
-25% of all widows go through their husband's death benefit in 2 months.
-One in two marriages end in divorce.
-Women are out of the labor force an average of 11 1/2 years for child rearing (meaning less time worked, meaning less pension accrued).

On an unrelated note... just something I thought was funny. The guys at church last Sunday were making conversation with my cousin, asking him where he's been and where we've taken him. Then they ask, like they're shocked, "They haven't taken you to Castro yet?!?! Dude, you can't come to San Francisco and NOT visit the Castro." So clever, making my poor cousin think he's missing out on something big. I had to jump in and say something, because my cousin commented that he always passed by the station on the MUNI and the guys were saying he should check it out. We got a good laugh out of that one. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I passed. 1 part down, 3 to go...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Converstaion with a fob friend...

[13:55] Chris [??]: EUN YOUNG!!!
[13:55] Chris [??]: YOU'RE SUCH A HOTTIE
[13:55] EunYoung in Williams: what is hottie?
[13:56] Chris [??]: :)
[13:56] Chris [??]: hahahah... soo cute
[13:56] Chris [??]: hottie... like hot stuff
[13:56] EunYoung in Williams: I looked up dictionary, it says it means 'naughty girl!!"
[13:56] Chris [??]: hahahahahha
[13:56] Chris [??]: HAHAHHAHAHA
In response to Sunny's blog...

I went to the gym today and spent 10 minutes on the rowing machine. That sucker works out your shoulders and forearms like crazy. Sunny, better watch out... I feel a rematch coming on. :) I still long for the day I can beat my sister at arm wrestling. She's been doing her own forearm workouts at the salon blowdrying... She's undisputedly THE arm wrestling champion. I have yet to meet another girl that can take her on.

But I don't want to lift and bulk up. I hear light weights and high reps are the way to go... but that's not making me stronger. Just leaner. (well, theoretically, leaner if I did it on a continual basis and watched my diet and all that good stuff). So... I'll just have to find other ways to get stronger... so that I can kick butt at arm wrestling.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Morning Prayer Countdown: 1 week down, 2 weeks to go.

Exam Countdown: 3 weeks to go...

I need a massage at the end of the month. I need to go snowboarding.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

San Francisco is beautiful... Posted by Hello

Friday, January 07, 2005

Good times with the cousin...

I feel bad because it's been raining practically every day since he's been here. Got home early from work, expecting no one to be home. Yesterday was the best weather we've seen for a while... cold, but at least the sun was peeking through. So I figured my cousin was still out exploring the city.

Only, I find him in front of the tv. He decided to do a Korean drama marathon... O Pil Sung. He said he woke up after morning prayer and has been watching ever since. I leave him in the evening to go to small group... come home at 11pm and he's still watching. He said that was the last episode.

My mom was running late so she told me to figure out dinner. There was some bulgogee in the fridge, so she told me to make it and eat it with my cousin. But ever since my dad has his operation, we haven't been allowed to eat unhealthy food, ramen included. And my cousin brought some good ramen from Korea. So I was really looking forward to eating it, and I thought, perfect, mom isn't coming home for dinner, I can make that.

Here's me trying to multi-task... making my ramen, left the pan to heat up for too long. When I put the bulgogee in the pan, it instantly burned the side that touched the pan. It later turned out ok. But by then, my ramen was done, but I wasn't done cooking and setting up the table. So in that time, my ramen "ppul uh ssuh."

My cousin looked at my ramen and said, "what the heck is that?? there's no soup!!" AND, my dad made me make a phone call RIGHT THEN AND THERE... so it just got worse. I'm sure he's thinking, she is the worst ramen maker in the world. And after tasting it, he offered right away, "Next time you want to eat it, just ask me to make it for you." But he had a very I-feel-sorry-for-you-cuz-you-can't-even-make-ramen look in his eyes.

People that have eaten my food know I'm not THAT bad of a cook. I can make a mean den jang jji gae. It was just the multi-tasking part.... so next time we have a potluck, don't run away from my food. It's usually pretty decent.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I'm going to attend a seminar next week. "Smart women finish rich" Haha, no, I'm not learning how to be a gold digger. More like learning how to be a sugar mama. Just figured it's about time I figured out how to manage my finances and start saving up for the future. I know nothing about putting money away for a 401K, investing. I'm just a simple open up a savings account kind of gal. I'll be sure to pass on any valuable information I pick up.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

It's 9:30 am and I've been awake for 4 hours already. Our church has a 20 day morning prayer thing to start off the new year. I hate it when my mom wakes me up that early, but I feel good after I'm done. Let's see if I'll last for the next 2-1/2 weeks.

New pictures are up.

Monday, January 03, 2005

The cool jersey I won at the game... that now belongs to my brother Posted by Hello