Saturday, November 28, 2009

We got a Christmas tree today! We need a few more ornaments and a tree topper, but it'll do for now.

Oh yeah, I got a haircut.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

As much as we'd like to invite all of you over for a huge houseparty, we're sad to say our place is rather small and I hope you'll be satisfied with a photo tour for now.

Our living room:

Notice the zebra striped pillows. Believe it or not, that does not reflect our taste in decor. It came with the sofa and we just left it there. Rawr.


I'm not sure you can tell in the picture, but we are well stocked in the appliance department. Not pictured are our handy kitchenaid mixer and food processor. We do have a dining table but I'm too lazy to post a picture of that.

Our bedroom:

Yes, that is a batman coinbank. A few of Danny's friends from the past have made their way into our home. Not pictured are this transformer tape deck thing and a ninja looking GI Joe. haha. I don't know their proper names.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A lot of changes over the last few months. The biggest being I got married and am now living in LA.


I know. Chris is living in LA.

Whenever people ask me how I like LA, I just tell them, 'It's alright.' And they always respond with, 'oh, you'll love it here.' I never bother to attempt a more cheerful response, even when Danny is around. It's ok, he understands. My heart is in San Francisco.

I have to be honest, though. I do enjoy being able to meet up with my friends and my brother/sister more often. I do enjoy living in the same city as Danny.

What I don't enjoy? Traffic. I thought Muni was bad... but given the choice between Muni and sitting in traffic, can I just stick a fork in my eye? Last week I was driving and apparently a car thought I was going too slow. So it just followed me on my tail flashing its high beam at me. The thing is... both lanes on either side of me were wide open. Jerk.

There are many differences between the two cities and I'll try not to be too biased against socal. But no guarantees. I'm sure some of them will make their way up to this blog, if I can keep up with it.

Next entry will hopefully be an update of our humble little apartment.