Monday, August 25, 2008

Back from Yosemite. If you guys have never ventured outside of Yosemite Valley, I promise you the extra drive out to the east side is worth it! We stayed in Tuolomne Meadows and it's beautiful out there.

Riding bikes in Curry Village

On the hike up to Cathedral Lakes

Cathedral Lake

Swimming in Tenaya Lake (aka, our shower for the weekend)

Tuolomne at Sunset

@ Olmstead Point to gaze at the stars. That's half dome in the background. We got to lay out on the rocks and saw thousands of stars come out at night... even some shooting stars!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Olympics are bad for my sleep schedule.

I stayed up last night watching the men's gymnastics.

My heart/stomach always turns when they let go of the high bar to do a trick.

I love the way the Chinese gymnasts give each other high fives.

Bonus: Have you seen Kevin Tan? We had some kids from church over for a bbq on Saturday and several of them commented that he looked like Danny. haha.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I had a moment of weakness.

I purchased the most expensive pair of shoes ever. Not EVER as in, the history of mankind. But ever, as in the history of my shopping experience.

I'm still debating whether to keep them or not. I've been walking around in them at home going through the pros and cons. More like trying to justify it to myself.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Giants vs. Braves (4-2)

With the HS girls