Friday, May 28, 2010

Danny and I started taking ballroom classes at a dance studio on Thursdays. We finally cashed in on a wedding gift from our friends (they took lessons there before their wedding). It's an 8 week session and we're 2 weeks in.

Some observations:

1. It's the same dance studio where they film/practice SYTYCD. Everytime I go through the doors I want to jump in doing something silly.

2. During the class the guys/girls switch off learning their parts. After the guys learned their parts, this girl came up to me and said, 'He is really good!' (referring to Danny). And then a little bit later, again, 'You guys are one of the good couples.'

I don't think we're that great (you can see the concentration in our faces as we're counting steps), but it still makes me feel good nonetheless.

3. I took a hip hop class a few years back at city college and the vibe is the same. You have the show-offs, the uncoordinated-but-tries-really-hard, and the in-betweens.

4. I think there are a lot of engaged couples in that class. But the PDA needs to stop. (Yes, I'm especially talking to you, other asian couple).

We're both a little bummed because we have to miss class next week (the class is learning turns and the waltz). I'm going to be in SF for work. Hopefully we can just pick things up the following week. I'd recommend it to other couples. It's been a really fun experience so far.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The latest in the mean lady saga...

The manager here that's been helping me out with the situation hasn't been able to connect to the HR person of that company for a while. We're getting the run-around. But last week we had a fire drill and he cornered his contact at the other company, since we were all standing outside. The other guy thinks it's been taken care of, because he says he hasn't seen the mean lady in about a week.

And it's true. Whenever I get off the elevator now there's no mean lady peeking over her computer staring me down. It's just a white clipboard asking people to sign in.

So we don't know whether she got fired or just simply transferred. She could just very well be on vacation. Who knows. We're still trying to contact HR to bring closure to the situation. I guess it's still to be continued...

For now, I'm content to be able to go to the bathroom or the elevator in peace.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Some fun pictures from the last few weekends. We squeezed in some trips before wedding season begins.

Big Island


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Just another Tuesday night... (aka we're still in vacation mode)