Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sarah... it won't be the same without you... Posted by Picasa

Checking for safety Posted by Picasa

making my way up... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Went to the Punchline Comedy Club last night with Janet. Our old middle school friend, Matt, who I haven't seen since the 8th grade, invited us out. I'm glad I went. It was a lot of fun. The first 2 people were a little crass. But the headliner, Jim Short, was great. Australian guy. I came out of the club wanting to insert "bloody" in every other sentence. But I know how awful I would sound, so I held back and spared myself the embarassment.

Before I left, my mom asked, "You're going out AGAIN?" I told her, "Hey, what can I say, your daughter is popular." She laughed in my face. I told my dad the same thing while he was in the living room. Also laughed in my face. Man, I get no love.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I am 24 years old. And I STILL manage to lock myself out of my own house.

My mom asked me to drop off a VBS dvd to a church member's house last night after dinner. I didn't want to take my purse, so I just grabbed my cell phone and my wallet. Played UNO with the kids for about half an hour, and it wasn't until I left their house that I realized I didn't bring my house keys.

Any other day and I would have been ok. Because my sister usually gets off of work at 8, and gets home around 8:30. But as luck would have it... the one night I lock myself out, my sister got off early and went to have dinner with her friends. AND my parents went to go visit some Pastor Friend in Marin.

I thought about breaking into my own house. But we have a communal backyard where all the houses open up to the same yard. Didn't think it would be a good idea crashing into the blinds and causing suspicion when my neighbors see my legs dangling out of the window.

So I called Janet. We went out for boba. And made very cool plans. We're going to save up and go on a 2 week trip. One week in Hong Kong, because she can get us by with her Chinese, and one week in Korea, where I can get us by with my Korean. I need to start saving up!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Yesterday I went out with my friend Janet to go see Anna Laube at Biscuit and Blues. She has a great voice... It's blues/folk. It was pretty cool, just being in that setting. Dark room, live music, drinks in hand. Although I have to say my drink tasted a bit like motor oil. Janet took one for the team and drank it for me.

This lady came up for a comedy act after Anna. She cleaned out the place in 2 minutes. Horrible... horrible. Really painful to watch.

Just the way the MUNI was running, I ended up getting home around 11:45. I think it's safe to say that's the latest I've been out on a working Monday. I was so exhausted this morning I didn't realize I had already gotten up to turn off my alarm clock. My mom had to come in and ask, "Aren't you going to be late for work?"

Monday, July 25, 2005

To run or not to run?... That is the question.

Actually, the better question is, to train or not to train? According to my friend, that's 3-5 miles every weekday and 6-10 on the weekends.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I haven't revisited my month-long infatuation with Danny Jung in a while. Isabel, Becky, and Janet will tell you I used to put his CD on repeat. Janet was so annoyed she would threaten to erase the mp3 on her computer.

I mention it because his song came up on my mp3 player on my way to work this morning. It was cold and wet outside, but it almost made me want to skip. Almost.

The one time I got to talk to him in Korea, he mentioned he was working on a gospel album. That was 4 years ago (wow)... I think the CD I have is still his latest one.

Janet put it perfectly though. I only think he's musheesuh because he plays the saxophone. If he played the flute, I don't think I would have been as infatuated.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Don't I look happy? ... and shiny? Posted by Picasa

Banana Milk :) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I know my sister is going to kill me for posting this, but it was just too hilarious.

Now my brother and I make fun of her a lot for her pronunciation slip-ups. I think it has something to do with the fact that she's slightly a fob... but she usually covers it up really well.

We went to go watch a Giants game last friday against the St. Louis Cardinals. During the game, she asked me, "Chris, Where is St. Louis? Is it St. Louis Obispo?"

OMG.... I gave her the "You're freakin out of your mind" look and just started cracking up. HILARIOUS.

Funnier than someone's "spreadshit"

Monday, July 11, 2005

I took my cousin clubbing this past weekend. Well, technically Thursday night. She seemed to enjoy herself. Only she told my sister I dance funny. :( Who cares, as long as I'm having fun out there, right? But when she said someone else in the group danced funny as well, I started thinking, maybe she thinks we dance funny because we don't dance "korean." Because I personally think this person is a good dancer.

But I think she caught a bug. She asked if we can go again the next time she visits.

I also took her to the boardwalk at Santa Cruz this past weekend. I haven't been there since middle school. Couldn't bring myself to try the deep fried Twinkie or the deep fried, battered Oreo cookies. But the rides were fun and I miss walking on warm sand.

I'm already planning out next weekend... maybe I'll finally do the bike ride across the GG Bridge.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Banana milk

I always rave about it. It's one of the first things I get when I go to Korea. I've always been sad they don't sell it here. I tried the Quik banana milk, but that's way too sweet and syrupy.

But my sister and my cousin went to the korean market yesterday and brought me back a carton of banana milk! That made my day. It may not be in those round, plastic containers, but I'm just glad they started importing that stuff. YUM

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Isaac & Michelle Posted by Picasa

Ping Pong champs Posted by Picasa