Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ashley is planning another waterskiing/tubing trip for our church this Labor Day. This might become an annual thing.

We were running down the list of people that signed up and it's 5 guys and us 2 girls. That's a constant theme for me up here... where are the girls?? (I'm sure the guys ask the same question. haha)

But don't you worry. Ashley and I represent! We're the only 2 out of the group that know how to waterskii. That's why we're paying a little more for the package that includes the tube, skis, wakeboard, kneeboard. Hopefully one of those will work for everyone.

Here's to many, hopefully not too painful, wipeouts!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Seattle was a lot of fun. The entire time I was there, I kept thinking, "I could totally see myself living here."

James was kind enough to also go up this weekend and show me around his hometown. Here he is looking very excited at the prospect of entertaining me for the next 2 days:

I did the normal touristy things there: Pike Market, Safeco field, Snoqualmie Falls, The troll, the Locks, Gas Works Park.

But the highlight had to have been hanging out with my friend Sharon. Her family used to live in San Francisco back when we were in middle school. Our families have kept in touch throughout the years. It's great when our friendship is so easygoing and comfortable after all these years.

Sharon, I'll be waiting for you and Monica next Spring!

More pictures on the link to the right. The really awesome pictures? They're from James. :)
Adam, Ashley, and I took the youth kids to a youth rally in Fremont Saturday night.

Right before we officially started, Adam leans over and asks me, "do you smell garlic?"

At first I panicked. Did I eat garlic that day? I even sniffed my arm (thinking the smell might be coming from my pores).

It wasn't me. haha.

But you figure you get a room full of 700-800 Korean kids in one room, you're bound to smell garlic from somewhere.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More to come soon...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


That's what I'm shooting for these days. I got a sudden urge to tackle the clutter in my room. Every time I get this feeling, though, I start going through my stuff... and in the end only get rid of maaaaybe 1 bag's worth of junk.

But I'm determined to be different this time. I want to get rid of the clutter in my life... focus on the important things. I think my room is a good place to start. No visitors. Things will be "under construction" for a while.

No better way to clear the head than by taking another vacation. Seattle, here I come!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Difference between guys and girls #12584738:

(does not apply to Janet)

My coworkers took off work from 10-2pm today to attend the Bill Walsh memorial at Candlestick (Monster) Park. One of them purposely drove to work today and paid the $25 parking fee so that they could all go.

Now I was a big fan of Bill Walsh and that 49ers dynasty. But... that's a bit much.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I've been rocking these new glasses I got from Korea.

The thing is... I usually wear hard contact lens. They're different than soft lens in that they take some getting used to. You have to train your eye by wearing it a few hours each day (in increasing increments) until your eyes get used to them.

So here's the dilemma. I like my new black-frame look. But it's also been 2 weeks since I last wore my contacts. So I put them on this morning, in order to retrain my eye. I can't let it go too long or else I'll have to start out wearing it like 2 hours a day. But I might have already crossed that threshold.

Right now, I want to scratch out my right eyeball and it's barely 9am. I don't know if I can suffer through this til the end of the work day. Being blind in one eye is sounding a lot more comfortable right now.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

at the movies with my boyfriend... he's quite large

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm back and swamped at work. But not too busy to update! (My coworkers tell me I've gotten darker!)

More pictures on the link to the right.

Janet - those flowers pictures are for you. My aunts kept commenting I must love flowers because I kept taking pictures of them.

Yonsei crew - I miss you.