Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Meet my friend, Jimmy

I laugh a lot when this guy is around. Take this weekend for example. We went to Mel & Jason's wedding. The dancing was just beginning and I decided to sit back for a little bit to eat cake. I look up on the screen and what do I see? Jimmy dancing like CRAZY around Mel.

We were talking about hiring him out to weddings. If no one is dancing, he'll get the party started. Brides... beware.

And this one is just for kicks...

That would be my dad. :)
I started my new job yesterday. Same company, different position.

But wow... it was overwhelming. I'm sure it's because I'm new and I still have to learn what's going on. But I spent most of yesterday working on one report.

No more gym at lunch. I haven't left work early in a while, but I finished up at 6 yesterday. I know...I still have it good so I'm not complaining.

My manager is really nice. He kind of looks like Ned Flanders, but not as well dressed. He describes the reports as "fun" because it's "like solving a puzzle." I don't know if I can ever reach that level of excitement for accounting, but it's very interesting right now.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What I'm diggin right now

Friday, July 14, 2006

Isabel, Becky, and Janet will appreciate this...

Dave sent me a picture from Isabel's wedding. This is me sunning out my dress because I had a stain and decided to dab some soap and water on it. The reason for my awkward position... it was hot and I didn't want my makeup to start running. So I was attempting to keep my face in the shade and my dress in the sun. Yeah, I get really smart ideas sometimes.

If you look closely, there's a ring of a dark spot, right above the ribbon, showing that my attempts failed. Clumsy, clumsy, me.

Notice also in my hand, tissues (to dab at the stain) and lip gloss. I was the designated lip gloss applier for the group.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A lot of women have ugly feet. Corns, calluses, blisters... that's why girls love pedicures.

Guys make fun, but really, your feet would look like that too if they were shoved in high heels and other uncomfortable shoes for long periods of time. And then they say, "that's why I don't wear them." But I think guys have to agree that even a remotely trendy girl wears high heels now and then.

Women's shoes tend to stink too. Leather + bare feet + walking around all day...

All for the sake of fashion.

So guys, when you run into a girl with ugly feet, don't point it out to her and make her feel bad. And if you see a girl with pretty feet, just know it takes a lot of work for it to look that way.

*No, I'm not writing this because someone made fun of my feet. But they sure do stank... :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

My Sarah came up for the weekend and so we, along with Unj, played all weekend long. Pictures will have to come courtesy of Unj's camera. Some things I discovered over the weekend:

-Mumm Winery has the best tasting crackers. I've decided to become a connoisuer of crackers, rather than wine. :)
-Mixing wine tasting (one day) and sea sickness (rafting the next day) makes for an unpleasant, yet hilarious combination.
-When the same, slightly tipsy friend pushes you in the river while eating lunch, save the food and share a laugh.
-No matter how chill the water is, you still need to paddle to direct your raft. Or else you end up off the main river, in the wilderness climbing shrubbery and avoiding deer.
-Guys and their rule of a girl still being single unless they have a ring on their finger is shady and ridiculous. Although, I do have to admit my friends are hot... THAT'S STILL NOT AN EXCUSE!
-Good weather, good conversation, and great friends... I'm a very lucky girl indeed.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I spent the weekend in Tahoe backpacking with my friend Ashley.

Saw some amazing things...

Made some friends along the way

Chilled, relaxed, hung out

This was the closest to "roughin' it" that I've experienced. Meaning, if you have to use the bathroom, you pick a bush and go. There aren't any designated campsites. Trails got lost under the snow. (We spent a good 45 minutes lost looking for the trail).

But apparently, it's not exactly safe for 2 girls to go camping on our own. My dad almost didn't let me go. One guy gave us a whistle. Another gave us a knife. Luckily we didn't have to use them.

I got a lot of sun this weekend. Apparently sun makes you age faster. Well, I must have gotten a whole lot of sun.

We came back Saturday afternoon to take the youth kids to a revival at a nearby church. I took the 2 boys that live around the corner (ages 13 and 11). We walk in and a woman greeted us and tried to make small talk. Then she proceeded to ask me if the two boys were my sons. EXCUSE ME? MY SONS?!

Say it with me people.
