Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I'm playing hooky from work today.

I had my bottom 2 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Not too bad of an experience. They gassed me first and after a minute, I felt tingly all over and just relaxed. I remember up to the point they gave me an IV and local anesthesia and then I was out.

But I look like a chipmunk now. Not very cute. This is how I imagine I will look if I gain another 30 pounds. I'll take a picture to remind myself never to get there.

But the one day I'm not at work, people are looking for me. Issues about a report I just issued, so I've been on the phone a good part of this morning.

I want to eat pizza! It's screaming my name!

Friday, November 18, 2005

I just signed up for courses at City College for next semester.

Intermediate guitar and Beginning Hip Hop.

Intermediate guitar because all I've learned how to play in beginning is the equivalent to B-I-N-G-O. Lame. I need to learn something useful before I quit.

Beginning Hip Hop because... it sounds like fun. Isabel is my inspiration. I'll be the one in the corner looking like a dork.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It bothers me when guys wear designer jeans.

It's wrong that girls pay that much for clothes to begin with. But girls wear clothes that are tighter on the body. Therefore, they're paying for the promise that the jeans will work its magic to lift/tuck/hide/slim/elongate/WHATEVER. Whereas on most guys, clothes just sort of hang. Now if a guy is wearing tight clothes...that's a whole different story.

So what then justifies a guy paying $$$ for designer jeans that just hangs like any other pair of jeans? Does it subtly tell others that "hey, I got money to spend on nice jeans... come and get me"? All it would say to me is, "hey, if we hang out, we can go shopping and I can give you fashion tips." Totally unnecessary pressure.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I try to be a nice person. But today I had to do it. I feel a little crummy because I had to "block" someone. Not only is that mean, but I've blocked this person before on a different chat system. That's right. I've only blocked someone twice in my life before... both times it has been the same person.

Makes me feel a little bad, but at the same time peaceful... knowing that person won't be bothering me unless he decides to flood me with e-mails. Here's hoping that won't happen.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I do appreciate living at home and eating mom-cooked meals. But it comes with its price. When you think about it, it's quite amusing. When else do you have ridiculous arguments like I had this morning?

My mom saved some pork she made the night before so that I could take it for lunch today. I was too lazy to pack a salad and thought, some "juhn" (jji jim for us Busan folks) has green stuff in it, good enough. Plus, I'm taking an apple. But no, my mom insisted I take a salad. Then she proceeds to take out salad dressing, and says, "Actually, if you're going to eat pork, you should eat your salad with 'cho-jang.'" She came out of the kitchen carrying big lettuce leaves and a bottle of 'cho-jang.'

I'm not opposed to taking Korean food to work, but I am opposed to taking Korean food that stinks. (She's even offered to pack me mee yok gook for lunch before). So I said fine to the salad (no to the lettuce wraps), but stood there BEGGING her to let me take some regular salad dressing. She won in the end... I had cho-jang with my salad. As I left the house, she yells out, "Be careful because there's a lot of garlic in it." Great.

Kind of reminds me of middle school when I first started taking sack lunches. My brother and I used to beg my mom for "regular" lunches like peanut butter and jelly. I think we ate that for a few weeks straight after that.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today marks my 2 year anniversary as a working professional at this Company. It's crazy how time flies... I've also realized that I'm at a point where I connect more with young adults rather than college students. The change was so gradual I can't even pinpoint when it happened. Probably sometime this past year. There was a point in time where I still longed to be in college, and I thought young adult-hood was so foreign. But now I'm one of them. I've learned to adjust to the fact that most of my friends live far away, and I'm still learning to make new friends. Life is what it is, and I'm learning to deal with it and make my situation enjoyable. And it has.

Congratulations to my dear, dear friend. I love you and you deserve all the happiness in the world. :)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Highlights from Hallelujah Night:

-Club Jesus in Room 3, complete with strobe lights and a fog machine.
-Watching Tommy and Ahan break it down at Club Jesus...battle style.
-cuuuuuuuuuuute kids.
-foraging for candy.
-crushing on a college boy with Sarah.
-fun and creative games.
-listening to an earful of unsolicited dating advice from Frank, Eric, and Henry at In-n-Out.
-coming home and seeing a sign posted on the door: "No Halloeen for Christ." Talk about cryptic. Someone wrote in a "w" for Halloween and put a question mark after Christ. I guess they were just as confused as I was. My mom is cute. haha.

Pictures to come...