Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Net gain this week: +0.8 pounds

Total gain after this 6 week 'plan': +1.0 pounds

Sheesh. I do have to say although I started working out a lot more, I haven't really changed my eating habits. Until I do so, I guess I can expect these results.

My cousin came to visit this past weekend from SF. It was her first time meeting Danny but she said she feels like she knows him already. Apparently my parents put up a ton of wedding pictures all over the house so she's been seeing his face every day.

My parents drove down Sunday evening to celebrate my birthday. It's been a while since the whole family got together.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Yesterday Danny and I saw this while driving around.

I want one.

It's perfect for me. It's mini. Anything mini is cute. It's cheesy. Ok, it's actually promoting cheese, but with a line like 'Fall in loaf for the first time,' how could you not love it??

I'm going hunting.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Giving up your seat for the elderly and pregnant women

I read through this blog entry and the comments today. Having seen and experienced all this first hand on the MUNI, I can't help but say I fear for the future. I hope I can raise my (future) kids to be more courteous than some of these commentors.
I was home alone and in the mood to watch something silly last night. 'Honey' was the movie of choice. It's so cheesy but I'm a sucker for dancing and feel good stories. Believe it or not, that was not my contribution to our joint DVD collection. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Net gain: +0.4 pounds

After taking about a week off to fight off this cold, I suppose those results were expected. I think I'm just meant to stay in this range. (does that sound like I'm giving up?)

Danny and I picked up our tent from REI yesterday. It was supposed to be our wedding gift... about 6 months overdue. Can't wait to put it to use in HI next month!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm congested. Whenever the weather starts turning warm I always find myself sick. I can't taste my food but that doesn't stop me from eating.

Today is our 6 month anniversary. Man, that went by fast.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Net loss: -0.6 pounds.

Woo hoo!

Although, when you consider where I started from, that's not much of a loss. haha.

I'm starting to get sick. My voice is husky. I think it's the change in weather. It's starting to warm up in LA.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just thought I'd post something different for a change.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Net gain: +0.4 pounds.

Gah. But my fat % went down slightly. That should count for something, right?

Who am I kidding. It was the all you can eat sushi last weekend and the korean bbq on Monday night that did me in. I'll try harder.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Net loss: 0

This is kind of discouraging. I think the only way I'll see any loss is to go back to eating salads. Ugh.