Tuesday, November 30, 2004

We have to change our log on password at work every month or so. I'm sure anyone that tried to break into my computer wouldn't have much of a challenge. I have it written down somewhere, just in case I forget.

The formula is a little complicated. Password is at least 6 characters, at least one capital letter, and at least one number. I've been going through the alphabet, and so far, all my passwords have been foods with a "1". I'm up to the letter F right now. I think I'll have to change my method once I hit "X".

Monday, November 29, 2004

I've been watching a whole lot of TV ever since my exam was over. Very few of which were on my mile-long list of movies to catch up on.

- Man on Fire: love Denzel, love Dakota Fanning. I liked the movie, I cried in the end. Nothing new.
- Elf: that movie cracks me up. Will Ferrell is great.
- Pride and Prejudice: This BBC version is almost 4 hours long. But dude, watching Colin Firth for 4 hours is not bad at all.
- While You Were Sleeping: I've finally found someone that loves this movie as much as I do. Lilliene and I watched this while stuffing ourselves with Burma Superstar. That's what I call hanging out. :)
- A whole mess of Dr. Dino DVD's. Some of you from Berkeley will remember Dr. Kent Hovind, the 6-day creation scientist person. My brother brought the DVD series and some debates. I've watched at least 3 this past weekend. I still have one if you're interested in seeing it.

Yep. I have interesting taste in movies. Don't hate. Just watch them with me.
Top Priority: Bridget Jones 2, Shrek 2

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Exam is over... well, the first part anyway. We'll find out how I did in about a month or two. I'm just happy to relax.

Spent all day in Rhonhert Park eating and watching tv. Saw some old old home videos... some highlights:
- I know I'm chubby right now, but seeing me at my heaviest. Wow.
- Some of the clothes I was wearing... black tights and a nasty t-shirt, enough said
- My BIG plastic glasses
- Me picking my wedgie on video. That was the best.

I'm free for the next 2 weeks... Play with me people!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Countdown: 1 day

I'm ready to eat some turkey and let my mind go to mush... I need to hold out one more day.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Countdown: 2 days

First thoughts: EEEK!

Shout out to my buddy Kenneth. I'm not a phone person, but I can carry on a relatively long phone conversation with Kenneth. Very interesting guy. Ladies, great guy alert. (he's going to kill me) haha. Ribs, madelines, snowboarding... hurry up and move back so we can hang out.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Holy Crap

I woke up at 9:15 this morning.

Studying is ruining my life.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

One of my favorite episodes of "Everybody Loves Raymond" is when Mary goes on a health kick and brings out a Tofurky for Thanksgiving. As much as I love tofu, that stuff just does not look appetizing. It wiggled as she brought it out to the table. Glad I'm not a vegetarian this time of year. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I miss my friends. Studying just puts you into a black hole... and you don't know what's going on in your friends' lives anymore. I've started to compile a list of people I want to meet up with once this exam is over. I think I plan like this is the final exam, when really, after a week of play I should get right back on top of things.

Anyway, if I give you a call after my exam, consider yourself lucky. :) (Translation: Please, please, please, hang out with me!!!!)

Monday, November 15, 2004

Countdown to Exam: 9 days

9 days and I'm still getting a 50% passing rate on each section. :(

Yesterday at church, this kid who goes to Full Gospel came to visit our church. He's buddies with a lot of the kids at my church, so he comes every once in a while. Anyway, some people were sitting there chatting, and I joined in late. I guess they were talking about relationships, and my sister mentioned that I never had a boyfriend. His eyes bugged out, and he couldn't believe it. "Like NOT ONE?" hahaha. So then he tells us, "I've only had 5 girlfriends." (He's a junior? senior?) My sister and I looked at each other and said "ONLY?" He responded with, "I think that's hecka little... the longest one was 3 months."


Thursday, November 11, 2004

I'm going to be blind by the time this exam is over. I sit in front of the computer and stare at it all day at work. And if that weren't enough, when I go home I stare at the computer all night trying to solve problems from the software that was included in my package. My eyes get really tired... and I'm not doing very well in terms of getting the questions right. :(

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My old friend Janet came to study with me at Borders last night. She dug up a notebook that we used to exchange, where we wrote letters to each other. I read over it and I was laughing so much. Middle school drama... enough to want to make me turn back time and slap myself. I was very whiny in those letters. I have to thank Janet for sticking through me all those years. And for not terribly embarassing me and using that notebook as blackmail.

Then we started reminiscing about high school drama. I'm gonna sound like a MAJOR dork, but cross country had some crazy drama. hahaha. It's funny looking back, how little trivial things (well, trivial to me now), seemed to consume our lives back then. Amazing what a few years and a change in perspective will do. (Easy on the old/age jokes).

But a shout out to Kenneth for reminding me... live life giving everything you have, in everything you do. That's what he said he's going to strive for. What a great perspective... especially if we keep in mind to be the best we can with the things God has entrusted to us. It's been difficult to hold on to that perspective studying for this exam. Keep me in check, my friends.

Friday, November 05, 2004

November 3 was my 1 year anniversary at this job. Wow... amazing how time flies. I feel like I've done a lot, but accomplished very little at the same time. But I guess that's how work life is. You have the same routine every single freaking day, and before you know it, you're a middle aged person and you've let yourself go. It's scary how my butt molds to my chair sometimes. I can see why working people gain weight.

I heard on NPR this morning that airlines are trying to cut the weight they carry on the planes. So they got rid of silverware and use plastic. But they found out that it's the people that have put on the extra pounds, causing airlines to have to fill up on more fuel. Interesting, huh?

Sarah and I started this blogging thing a year ago to keep ourselves entertained at work. I've written a lot of just plain nonsense.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I thought this picture was funny. The resemblence to Shrek is kind of scary... Posted by Hello

Austin... I just want to take a bite out of him. He's SO cute. Posted by Hello

Hayle ( I don't know how to spell her name) Posted by Hello

Hallelujah Night Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

All the information is beginning to mesh together in my head. Some areas call to measure assets at Fair market value, others at cost, others a present value... getting them all mixed up. Don't worry if that didn't make sense, it doesn't make sense to me either. That's the sad thing.

I stayed up late reading up on all the propositions, and woke up early to go vote before work. I felt like a very good American. (Even though a lot of those propositions just don't make sense to me).

I saw Mayor Gavin Newsom this morning. He was in front of the West Portal Muni station, along with a ton of people holding up signs for you to vote for some candidate. He gave us a wave. He really is a good looking man up close.

I'm getting my hair done today. I know that sounds very girly, but I'm excited to see the salon my sister works at... and to meet her boss. She says he's very mushee-suh, and I love British accents. :)
All the information is beginning to mesh together in my head. Some areas call to measure assets at Fair market value, others at cost, others a present value... getting them all mixed up. Don't worry if that didn't make sense, it doesn't make sense to me either. That's the sad thing.

I stayed up late reading up on all the propositions, and woke up early to go vote before work. I felt like a very good American. (Even though a lot of those propositions just don't make sense to me).

I saw Mayor Gavin Newsom this morning. He was in front of the West Portal Muni station, along with a ton of people holding up signs for you to vote for some candidate. He gave us a wave. He really is a good looking man up close.

I'm getting my hair done today. I know that sounds very girly, but I'm excited to see the salon my sister works at... and to meet her boss. She says he's very mushee-suh, and I love British accents. :)
All the information is beginning to mesh together in my head. Some areas call to measure assets at Fair market value, others at cost, others a present value... getting them all mixed up. Don't worry if that didn't make sense, it doesn't make sense to me either. That's the sad thing.

I stayed up late reading up on all the propositions, and woke up early to go vote before work. I felt like a very good American. (Even though a lot of those propositions just don't make sense to me).

I saw Mayor Gavin Newsom this morning. He was in front of the West Portal Muni station, along with a ton of people holding up signs for you to vote for some candidate. He gave us a wave. He really is a good looking man up close.

I'm getting my hair done today. I know that sounds very girly, but I'm excited to see the salon my sister works at... and to meet her boss. She says he's very mushee-suh, and I love British accents. :)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Hallelujah night was so much fun. I think I had more fun than the kids. It didn't get so bad that I pushed kids out of line to have a go at the games. But I was having a blast before the kids got there (while we were supposed to be "setting up") and after the kids got all their candy and the night was dying out. I'm pretty good at the tennis ball tic tac toe and the ping-pong velcro dart game. Those kids are pretty darn cute. Just wanted to squeeze them, but their parents were nearby so I had to restrain.

I love seeing the younger college class people. They make me feel old, but loved. It's going to be a sad day when I walk by the college service and not recognize anyone standing out there.

Get a bunch of guys together in a room with their egos and you get some pretty interesting results. One game in particular was pretty popular. You had to throw bean bags into a bucket in order to "tip the scale." Guys were lined up trying to get the best time. Then later, I walked into a room and about 10 guys were holding up those metal folding chairs. I thought they did something bad and were being punished. But nope, it was a game of strength... who can hold out the longest. I had a pretty fun time laughing at them.

Pictures to come...