Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The weather has been so nice in SF lately that Lilliene and I have been running outside instead of working out at the gym during our lunch breaks. Yesterday, as we were walking in our regular work clothes, she commented we've been running outside a bit too much because she now has a slight, but noticeable sock tan. We kind of laughed it off. But today, after my workout, I realized I have a very noticeable shorts tan line. I guess it's not a big deal because I only wear shorts when I work out, but still, it's uuuuuuuuugly~.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I was watching "So you think you can dance" last night. Man, those are some talented people. I didn't catch the couples dances, but got to see the solo. I called my mom over to watch how talented these people were. She came over just in time to catch Jamail do his breakdancing.

My mom broke out into a story about how there was some kind of festival at the campground. They were there for VBS about a month ago. Some kids (not from our church) volunteered for the dance competiton and did some breakdancing. And then she proceeded to show me how it was done. Oh man... I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

My dad's dance specialty is the broken arm move from Bring it on. I'm going to ask both of them to dance tonight. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Conversation with my friend Jimmy this past weekend...

On the topic of how good looking Italian people are:

It's unfair. Per capita, they must have the most good looking number of people in the world.

God looked at them and really smiled down on them.

No wonder they get married early. They have motivation! They get married, have good looking babies, it's a never ending cycle.

I can just sit there and laugh for hours with this guy...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My cousin came from Korea yesterday. A few things from last night:

- I baked some cookies to try out this new recipe. My sister took about 2 bites, threw it down, and said, "That's nasty... that's not a cookie." I tried it. Wasn't great... but wasn't bad either. :(

- My whole family decided to go greet my cousin at the airport. It didn't occur to any of us that one of us should stay home in case my cousin called. (which she did because...)

- We were waiting at the Internationl terminal. But apparently, she had a layover in Honolulu so we were supposed to be at the Domestic terminal. We found that out because...

- My mom ran over to the payphone and was scrounging up change in her pocket to call the calling card to call Korea. It wasn't until the ride home we figured out, "hey, we could have used our CELL PHONE to make that call instead of frantically looking for change."

- So we had to leave the International Terminal to get onto the Domestic Terminal. My sister and I yelled out, "go left!" while my mom screamed "go right." My dad listened to my mom and we ended back out on the freeway. Had to go some way before the next exit so we could double back.

- I got a bag of Korean underwear from my aunt. Which is cool, since Korean underwear fits well. But they are LOUD. The ladies at the gym are going to get an eyeful. We're talking stripes, patterns, stripes AND patterns. hahaha

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Webshots is acting weird... we'll settle for this for now. With Theresa and Susan. Posted by Picasa

with Janet at the Conservatory of Flowers Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tea at Lovejoy's... see link for more pics Posted by Picasa

Meet Gummy... my bear bank :) Posted by Picasa

My newest acquisition... Posted by Picasa

Finished Product Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12, 2005

I've been making progress with my long movie list. I watched Phantom of the Opera last night. I watched the musical once before when I was in the 6th grade. Didn't remember much from it. We sat in the way way back. But I was excited to watch the movie because I found out Gerard Butler plays the Phantom. I just saw him in "Dear Frankie" and I really liked him.

But now I have the Phantom song stuck in my head. I was climbing up the escalators this morning and as I came out of the MUNI station... from dark to light... I heard in my head "DUN...dun dun dun dun dun...." :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

All I can say is...that's just plain sad.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Conversation with my brother...

Bro: u should watch city of God
Me: i saw it, remember?
Me: very dark
Me: too bloody
Bro: hahahaha
Bro: dont be such a wimp
Me: WIMP??
Me: go see my blog
Me: i went rockclimbing
Bro: okay, now that u went rockclimbing the wimp title is away from you
Bro: hahahaha
Me: that's right
Me: punk
Me: anyway, i'm gonna go
Bro: i was being sarcastic
Me: don't want ot miss my bus
Me: shut up
Bro: okay
Me: such a punk
Me: bye
I've talked to several guy friends about shopping. It amazed me to hear they rarely try things on. They know their size, they grab several in different colors, and out the door they go.

I'd love it if I could shop that way. I hate the hassle of trying things on. It just doesn't happen that way with girls though. We come in all different sizes... tall, short, skinny, curvy, round, pear-shaped, etc. I was walking around the mall yesterday and saw some really cute things on the display. And then I tried them on and thought, "MAN, that's ugly on me." Probably just as well because I really shouldn't be buying any more clothes.

People might complain girls shop too much. But that's because most of the time I go, I come back emptihanded. I never seem to find something that fits/looks right when I go. So really, I shop, but don't buy... I guess you can look at it as a form of exercise. It's hard work trying things on at every store.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I'm not a fan of Vienna Sausages. People have told me they're very good. I think I've tried it once and it was just gross. But I think those people associate that with their childhood... that's why it tastes that good. I ate a lot of Spam growing up, but I don't have the same fondness for it.

I went to the supermarket yesterday and picked up 2 cans of Chef Boyardee. I know that's gross too. But that's one thing I grew up always wanting to eat, but was never allowed. So maybe i'll have it as a quick Saturday lunch. Or a quick snack before dinner someday. I hope it tastes as good as I remember it.