Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Today has been my most productive day at work to date! I signed online so late that Sarah just figured I took the day off. I had to complete an online training course. Took a good couple of hours.

But now that I've been so productive, it's time to go home. :)

Before I go, a joke:
Q: What did one butt cheek say to the other butt cheek?

A: Hey, if we pull together we can stop this crap.

A big THANK YOU to Jimmy for keeping me entertained at work with jokes, games, and stories.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Reasons I laugh out loud at work:

[13:34] sarahwlee: i'm like a turkey
[13:34] sarahwlee: i look all awkward and funny
[13:35] sarahwlee: but once someone eats me, i put them to sleep~

Her suggestions for my title and description for starting this blog:

[14:01] sarahwlee: ok...title
[14:01] sarahwlee: you don't want mary me now?
[14:01] sarahwlee: and then for description you can say "2 carats, please

On a different note... Isabel might not want to have lunch with me anymore. I eat all her food. :9
And she's too nice to say anything about it. I promise, I'll have it under control... AFTER Thanksgiving.