I do appreciate living at home and eating mom-cooked meals. But it comes with its price. When you think about it, it's quite amusing. When else do you have ridiculous arguments like I had this morning?
My mom saved some pork she made the night before so that I could take it for lunch today. I was too lazy to pack a salad and thought, some "juhn" (jji jim for us Busan folks) has green stuff in it, good enough. Plus, I'm taking an apple. But no, my mom insisted I take a salad. Then she proceeds to take out salad dressing, and says, "Actually, if you're going to eat pork, you should eat your salad with 'cho-jang.'" She came out of the kitchen carrying big lettuce leaves and a bottle of 'cho-jang.'
I'm not opposed to taking Korean food to work, but I am opposed to taking Korean food that stinks. (She's even offered to pack me mee yok gook for lunch before). So I said fine to the salad (no to the lettuce wraps), but stood there BEGGING her to let me take some regular salad dressing. She won in the end... I had cho-jang with my salad. As I left the house, she yells out, "Be careful because there's a lot of garlic in it." Great.
Kind of reminds me of middle school when I first started taking sack lunches. My brother and I used to beg my mom for "regular" lunches like peanut butter and jelly. I think we ate that for a few weeks straight after that.